Application Version
Current version of VN Effector as of now 2.4.7
Current version of TyranoBuilder Next as of now 2.4.7
Download the application and modifications only from this site. The author is not responsible for the application or modifications downloaded from other sources.
The source code is open, so anyone can make changes to the code that may harm your device.
Apr 25

Exporting the game for Android


Before you start exporting, you need to download the project file for Android Studio. It is specially designed to simplify the export process for mobile devices.

Downloading: You cannot download files from our server 

After you download the file, place it on disk C or another, the main thing is that the path does not contain Russian characters, otherwise you will get an error.

Next, we run Android Studio and open the project. At this point, you should already have an Android project exported to VN Effector or TyranoBuilder Next. If not, do the export, and when the export is complete, copy the data, tyrano and index.html folders to exportAndroidSupport\app\src\main\assets.

After that, we can test our game by clicking "Run App" (green arrow).

And if the game starts without errors, it means that everything is fine. If during the launch there is a problem, then you need to do the following. Click on Gradle, this tab is on the right, and then click on VNE Player and Reload Gradle Project.

This should solve the problem. If the error persists, ask a question and I will help you solve the problem.

Next we need to change the name of our game. To do this, open the strings.xml file, which is located in the res/values folder. In this file replace "Your_Name_Game" with the desired name.

This completes the preparation, if you want to test the game on a real device, you need to build a test build. 
You can do this via the top menu Build > Build Bundle(s) / APK(s) > Build APK(s) so we will build a test build.

The last step is to create a real application that can be uploaded to the stores. To do this, follow the steps below: click Build > Generate Signed Bundle / APK, after which you will be given the opportunity to choose whether you want to build a Bundle or an APK. Choose APK. I will not explain the settings you need to set. You can read about them here.

This completes the build of your Android game. 

As I wrote above, if you have any problems, feel free to report them.

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